MY Journey~

MY Journey~

Thursday, December 20, 2012

~ I Love My small Family and My big Family :)

Hellooo my beloved frenzz!!  Very strange, isn’t it? This is my first blog using the English language, :O Wuah!! the grammar rather bad, but behind this, there was my teacher or my best friend helping me to fix it,  I used to dislike English language, there was once while in junior high school, my English language test scores 20! Glek!! :O It really makes me ashamed.  Since then I was really lazy to learn English. But when I studied abroad, I realized that I need to learn more language​​, so I can get to know more people. That is until now I am still going to learn. I won’t give up :)

You know what? ^^  I prepare this English blog for a few days. (embarassing) hehehe….

I'll tell you my feeling about my experience at BLIA YAD for you, friends…

The entry of 2013 Yeah! This year is the 9 year, I celebrate OLD & NEW with BLIA YAD… Wohoo!!
I became a member of BLIA-YAD since 2004, when I was just a little girl who didn’t know anything about Dharma, followed by folly, passion, and unconscious, didn’t even understand the purpose I went to BLIA-YAD. What I knew, I was interested by BLIA-YAD, because of their vigor and solidarity.
But after a few years, a lot of lessons, lots of advice, and lots of trials, made
me realize I will never regret it, even will not hesitate to admit that until now I was a member at one of my BLIA YAD! :DI had been an organizer from 2009 until 2011, where I have learned so many things that I’d never knew.  It is the best fate for me. O(∩_∩)

What does BLIA YAD mean for me?
BLIA YAD is a place where I could think more calmly, to know my folly, my consciousness awakened, can give others happiness, learn to be better, looking for each of our identity, live happily in a way to give more to those in need of us, find direction or the right path to follow Dharma directions and how to balance our lives.

I Love You Shifu :*
I Love My Family :)
That's where all the support and guidance of Shifu and friends who have more experience.

This year I possibly could have to part with some of my dearest friends, where they have to chase their dreams.

Well .... Every breakup is painful, but the separation is a beginning, we need to learn to let go of our attachment for our future.

Those of us who used to be a large family, with the same vision, mission and goals, referring to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha . We all have our strong principles for dealing with temptations and trials.

Fun, sad, angry and happy, we even learn more about each other than our own families, because we spend so much of our time together.

All of these will be my fondest memories and lessons for us that will take us to the outside world.
Thank you to the Parents who have always supported us to go to BLIA-YAD, although sometimes they can worry about our future, but I believe, behind it, the parents have a peaceful heart and glad to have children who will not let them down, & the Shifu <3 who are like our Parents, who are ready to guide & support us in the direction & the right way. \(^o^)/~

 I believe Buddha will always protect us, bless us all, and will bring us a good partner.  As long as w ill never break the five precepts, and we will always be guided by the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
Fate is not determined by the Buddha,  but are determined by ourselves. Happy or not,  it's all determined by our own hearts, find our true selves :)

 ~ A Happy Life (By : Master Hsing Yun)
We all have one desire in common - To lead a happy life.
everyone hopes to attain happiness, but in actually, not everyone is able to live a life of happiness.
How can we be happy? I would like to offrer the following four principles :
1. Giving is receiving
2. Being engaged is happiness
3. Hard work is wealth
4. Perseverance is strength 

I Love My Big Family :)

 ~ living in this world are always about learning, as we never satisfied with what we do have now, same....everyone is also want to find perfection, but for make life fair. Don’t compare yourself to anyone, be happy with who you are :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012


大家好!:)很久了..都没跟大家分享,那好!现在我就开始跟大家分享了, 希望大家会喜欢 :)




