MY Journey~

MY Journey~

Monday, May 23, 2016

"Thank you to someone special Friend"

Sometime I very miss someone who yelled at me with anger  "stop it novi, you are so childish!, you are not a weak person, don't suffer you are strong, be mature novi!, don't be weak because I hate weak people, change your appearance to change yourself to be a better person, Don't do gossip!, I hate people who only talks with no action!, I hate a crybaby! Stop it novi don't use your feelings!"
I have lost this honest person, someone who doesn't care about my feelings but his feelings which made me realize a lot of things. Cuz now I live surrounded by people who praised me only to see me laugh but don't aim to change me to be a better person. I hate this feelings of yearn that is torturing...
I want to say thank you, but in real life, I can't say...
Thank you for saying rude words
Thank you for those who hate n get angry to me
Thank you for those who support me
Thank you for your kindness about saying the truth and logically.
Thank you for those who have ever been my humorous and funny brother.
I have never regretted to be your friend..

Thank you my family, my best friend, my special one :)

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