MY Journey~

MY Journey~

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

"Just my feeling"

I believe everyone have a pressure, hanya saja setiap orang melampiaskan tekanan dengan cara yang berbeda-beda, biasanya saya akan menyanyi atau berbicara masalah dengan my sister, but sekrang saya sulit melampiaskan dgn mereka karena hp saya rusak, memerlukan waktu 2 bulan n then my sister jga g da..yang pastinya tekanan berada di rumah 10 kali lipat lebih berat daripada di luar, ttpi saya harus menerima kenyataan ini..yahhh..novi..sabar ya :) beberapa minggu ni saya mencoba dengan berbagai cara untuk melampiaskan, yaitu dengan olahraga dan menyibukan diri.. haha..yah.sometimes i'm feel. the more I try to pressure myself into doing a perfect job, the more problems I cause for myself and paradoxically the more my performance suffers. "Pressure is a Vitamin to me cuz no matter how I perform, things will be OK" “有压力才会有进步,有佛法就有办法”。 jangan mengeluh, semakin kita mengeluh, masalah itu akan menpersulit kita. but now, i feel so fresh!

"live in hatred is just the same like living in misery" 
I don't know what happened with that relationship suddenly became cold, strange n uncomfortable, 
I don't care about people who suddenly treat me like this. For people who really know about me, will really know my nature. I am not insensitive, if it is to clarify the issue, I really need an explanation, if an explanatory unclear then I'm still not care. People who always talk about my badside in the back, is it a person who does not have something to do? he/she once said, if we only live once, isn't life is precious? so why does he/she have to do things to hurt people? year after year, we are getting older, and people face the world with a smile n a positive mind. 
yahh..i know, This is not a normal relationship with her/him..
i believe, she/he know..i try not to care, but i still care in the end so don't make me care for you cuz you can make everything better, you can do it to yourself and your life. Sometimes with turning ourself to the positive things that will make us stronger in personal.

mana diri saya? hahaha...

Perlombaan murid-murid Sma saya, untuk menyambut 17 August
jia yo! jia yo! :D